


Brand Ai Agency


Keep an eye on your brands around the world with BRAND WATCH.

BRAND Watch is a service, which monitors trademarks in all jurisdictions. This service allows any identical or similar trademarks owned by third parties to be identified. It is of high strategic importance to perform this search since it allows you to identify and monitor applications for similar trademarks that may devalue your own. It is also very useful for identifying and responding to imitations.

The existence of another trademark that is identical or similar to yours is likely to devalue your trademark. This is because there is a risk of customers confusing the commercial origins of both trademarks, thus threatening the success of your business. BRAND Watch Service provides a continuous monitoring of trademark applications and allows for a timely response to any detected imitation.

Key advantages:

  • The world’s best trademark similarity algorithm
  • Global coverage of high quality data (190 countries)
  • Weekly reports
  • Full automation and template support
  • Add your own branding
  • Keyword filter for Goods & Services
  • All classes included

The Comprehensive search algorithm is trained with a proprietary statistical method, using more than 1 million official cases (oppositions and 2(d) citations in 25 languages) where two marks have been found confusingly similar by a government official. This means that the Comprehensive search and monitoring reports covers all the usual search strategies, such as:

  • Identical
  • Phonetic similarity
  • Orthographic similarity and misspellings
  • Prefix, infix, and suffix variations
  • Vowel and consonant similarity
  • Plurals and stemming
  • Abbreviations and acronyms
  • Translations
  • Other similarities

We have kept our BRAND WATCH process as simple as possible.

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Package & Price

Displaying 1 – 13 of 13

Europe3.600,00 €
Latin America2.400,00 €
US Federal Full1.200,00 €
BENELUX900,00 €
ARIPO1.200,00 €
OAPI1.200,00 €
TURKEY1.800,00 €
CHINA2.400,00 €
UAE2.400,00 €
INDIA1.800,00 €
Single country900,00 €
GLOBAL (190 countries)12.000,00 €

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