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Fair trade is all about building sustainable sectors where each link in the chain is committed to this shared responsibility, particularly in terms of supply and production, thereby helping to promote greater equity in world trade. Establishing long-term contractual partnerships guarantees the economic and social development of producers and workers in both the Global South and the Global North.

The Fairtrade Standards incorporate a holistic blend of social, economic, and environmental criteria. The standards contain both core requirements and development requirements aimed at improvements that benefit producers and their communities.

Some of the core elements for FAIRTARDE BRAND are training opportunities, non-discriminatory employment practices, no child labour, no forced labour, access to collective bargaining processes and freedom of association of the workforce, conditions of employment exceeding legal minimum requirements, adequate occupational safety and health …

10 Principles of Fair Trade:

  1. Create Opportunities for Economically Disadvantaged Producers
  2. Transparency and Accountability
  3. Fair Trading Practices
  4. Payment of a Fair Price
  5. Ensuring no Child Labour and Forced Labour
  6. Commitment to Non-Discrimination, Gender Equality, Freedom of Association
  7. Ensuring Good Working Conditions
  8. Providing Capacity Building
  9. Promoting Fair Trade
  10. Respect for the Environment


The FAIRTRADE BRAND Marks are registered certification marks and trademarks owned and licensed by Fairtrade International.

Associating with Fair Trade Brand policies and standards can help your company attract top talent in a competitive hiring market. Fair Trade Brand certification is a win for businesses, people, and the planet.

Fair Trade Brand certification can also be part of a thoughtful social media strategy. With millennials looking to support companies that they believe in, highlighting elements of the supply chain, alongside Fairtrade Brand certification, can give customers a sense of your company’s values and how they’re being put into practice.

With the public’s growing interest in sustainability, environmental responsibility and ecological standards, many consumers are inclined to purchase Fair Trade Brand Certified products.


BRAND Fair Trade

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